Why PCOS Still a Mystery?

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common hormonal problem in women. PCOS is often characterized by enlarged ovaries with multiple small follicles painless or cysts that are formed in the ovary. Two other key features are SOP overproduction of androgens (male sex hormones) and anovulation (no ovulate), making SOP the leading cause of infertility.

Symptoms of PCOS can be debilitating not only physically but also emotionally and psychologically painful. Although no two women can have the same symptoms of CSWS, they are likely to include one or all of the following: infertility, irregular or absent periods, the growth of excess hair on the face and body, male hair loss, acne, obesity and lipid abnormalities

Although these symptoms help you easily identify a problem, the cause of PCOS are not yet fully understood. Also, since most of the symptoms involving the female reproductive system, PCOS is often mistaken for a gynecological condition. It is, however, an endocrine disorder, involving hormones and hormone production

Finding the appropriate diagnostic SOP requires obtaining samples of blood for a variety of hormones, including those produced by the ovaries, adrenals, pituitary and thyroid glands. The mystery must be solved, because PCOS can be associated with a number of serious medical conditions often associated with insulin sensitivity decreases (ie insulin resistance), which in turn can lead to an increased risk of adult diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease -Set. PCOS can also be associated with the uterus and endometrial cancer. If left untreated, PCOS can lead to serious medical complications, such as endometrial cancer and ovarian hysterectomy and uterine. SOP affects the body's glucose levels cause insulin resistance, severe pre-diabetic condition. PCOS increases the risk of heart attack and stroke woman because it increases cholesterol and blood pressure. PCOS is a leading cause of infertility in women. If the cause of endometriosis, cysts, and premature ovarian failure

The other difficulty of solving the mystery is SOP, there is often a stigma attached to most of the symptoms of PCOS, which could inhibit a woman to discuss various symptoms to your doctor, such as facial hair and body, infertility and obesity. Some women may even experience depression as a result of treating these symptoms. Therefore, information and public awareness on the symptoms and severity of the disease is crucial to identify women requiring treatment.

Unfortunately, physicians present moment they can only treat the individual symptoms of PCOS women, instead of the whole syndrome. Once diagnosed, most patients can be effectively managed to help patients lead healthier and more satisfying life.

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