Understanding Gamma Radiation

One of three types of natural radiation is gamma radiation. The other two types are in the form of particles, but the gamma radiation is in the form of waves. natural production of this radiation occurs due to range degradation, which is a term used to describe the natural decay in the higher states of energy of an atomic nucleus.

If it is produced naturally or artificially, gamma rays is ionizing radiation and is therefore biologically dangerous.

Ionizing radiation has the inherent ability to release electrons from any atom or molecule. Alpha and beta particles are other types of ionizing radiation.

Any type of radiation is a part of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum. There are various types of electromagnetic radiation and are classified depending on the frequency of the individual waves. Gamma radiation is considered the one with the highest frequency of each. This high frequency possessed by the high-energy gamma rays is able to release electrons from the atoms and molecules. This is why gamma rays are also classified under ionizing radiation.

Another property of gamma radiation is that it loses its energy very slowly. This property offers two different gamma characteristics. Gamma rays can travel for tens to hundreds of meters into the air, which is totally dependent on energy that transported earlier in the trip. The other feature is the ability to penetrate through thick plates of solid material, even metal.

Due to having the highest frequency among all types of electromagnetic radiation, gamma rays are high energy waves. Gamma radiation is used for industrial scientific purposes. In industry, the gamma rays are used to induce molecular changes in precious and semi-precious stones. For example, gamma rays are used to convert White Topaz, Blue Topaz.

Wherever there is the need to measure levels, density, etc. thickness in sectors like refining, soaps, detergents, mining, chemical energy, which is made using non-contact industrial sensors. These sensors operate on gamma radiation sources. Other applications include medical treatment of human beings and for medical diagnostic purposes.

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