Preparing The SAT

How To Preparing The SAT?

Certain periods of the year during the year involves different issues that students should focus. During this time of year - after requests were made, but before acceptances and refusals to return - the focus moves to pre-seniors older people, and particularly addresses the SAT, the test that gives high school students and their parents countless hours of worry.

As we like to say, the most important factor for admission to undergraduate schools is the personality of the student. With all students applying, for example, Stanford, Harvard and Princeton with perfect scores and the test results are not enough to simply have the "numbers". All apply to these schools have the numbers!

However, while the SAT is not a sufficient condition for admission to senior schools is a necessary condition. In other words, students with high SAT scores have yet to do much to get admission in top-level schools. This preparation for the test is sufficient in itself to succeed on the SAT.
Of course, the test preparation is one necessary component student, but it is not enough to ensure success. The SAT tests students in basically two different skills: basic academic knowledge and the ability to take the test. Skills test are comparable to know a shortcut to a part of town to another. So to succeed on the SAT, students need two sets of skills: to take the test of skills and basic training.

To start preparing for the SAT, then students must organize their plan as follows:

1. Make an SAT practice to understand where your strengths.

2. Understand where the student needs help basic skills are and where they just need help to prepare for the test.

3. Attack each issue in turn. If the student needs help in critical reading, for example, students should work on their basic reading skills before attempting to test preparation courses.

In terms of passing the exam, does little good for a student to take the SAT too early - and there are many students who take the SAT much sooner than we would like. Having worked in Silicon Valley for several years, seen students who took the SAT earlier and earlier each season.
Despite taking the SAT can help to gain admission to Stanford EPGY and summer Johns Hopkins CTY programs, it is a bit more than the SAT can make for an 8th or 9th grade.
The ideal time for a student to start preparing for the SAT is during the summer after his sophomore year in high school. Any sooner than that and the student may not have the necessary math skills; they will almost certainly not sophisticated grammar skills, reading and writing. All later, however, and students simply do not have time to prepare properly.

Although students must begin to prepare for the actual SAT during the summer after Grade 10, they should however make some "bases" before this time. This means that students should start to fill gaps in their basic skills much earlier than the SAT preparation.
From grade 9, students must pass a diagnostic test that measures their performance on the SAT; this should not be administered by the College Board, but must be done as a practical examination.
Once students identify exactly what your weaknesses are and practical courses should follow. For example, if reading scores and the student's written critique are low, students should immediately start taking over charge to ensure that these skills are developed by the real time SAT is taken.

In case the student has not earned a score they desire after the second day of the test, they will have at least allowed to drop her last year for a third test. Generally, a student should not take more than the SAT three times with twice and the desired number of sessions; many sessions SAT reflects poorly on a candidate. And while many schools are involved in the "Score Choice" option, which allows students to choose the test results, they will be sent to schools, the same number of first class schools to ask students to submit all test results they received.

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